
Your lucky streak is warming up. Almost there...


{{history.length}} Games

~ {{ new Decimal( history.reduce((total, game) => { let t = game.bets.reduce((a, b) => {return new Decimal(a).add(b.amount.$numberDecimal).toNumber()}, 0); return new Decimal(total).add(t).toNumber() }, 0) ).dividedBy(history.length).toNumber().toFixed(9) }} SOL / Game

{{languageConfig[language]?.game.publicHash}}: {{jackpot.publicHash}}

{{jackpot.total?.$numberDecimal || jackpot.total}} SOL




{{jackpot.total.$numberDecimal}} SOL


{{loading.jackpotBet ? languageConfig[language]?.game.sendingBet : languageConfig[language]?.game.placeBet}}

{{languageConfig[language]?.game.minimumBet}}: 0.01 SOL



Ape [{{languageConfig[language]?.game.maxBet}}]

Round #{{jackpot.count || 0}}

{{Number(timeLeft).toFixed(2)}} 🔒

Expires {{ moment.duration(timeLeft, "seconds").minutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + moment.duration(timeLeft, "seconds").seconds().toString().padStart(2, '0') }} 🔒



{{jackpot.total?.$numberDecimal}} SOL




{{playerActiveWager}} SOL


{{bet.username}} 🎯

{{bet.amount.$numberDecimal ? bet.amount.$numberDecimal : bet.amount}} SOL

$ {{convertToFiat(bet.amount?.$numberDecimal)}}

{{calculateBetOdds( jackpot.total.$numberDecimal, bet.amount.$numberDecimal ? bet.amount.$numberDecimal : bet.amount )}} %

Wager.Fun Alpha

Hey guys! Just a quick one-time notice to inform you of the site status and it's current functionality.

The core functionality of the site is established. Deposits and withdrawals, the game, managing internal transactions, chat etc.

However there are a handful of things that are not working. I am aware of many of them, however if you find any please let me know. Be aware that the following features may be affected or not work as intended:

  • - Mobile responsiveness (The site is not 100% mobile friendly)
  • - Notifications & Input Feedback. If you deposit, it will be registered but it is not showing on the UI
  • - Leaderboard, FAQ & Statistics Pages - They are not built on the UI yet
  • - Deposit & withdrawal History (UI)
  • - Language Agnostic (Work In Progress)
  • - Avatar uploading - UI (Works on backend)
  • - Navbar Links
  • - Metamask Login & Registration (Backend Done, UI pending)

What's Left?

  • - All of the above
  • - Additional Unit & Integration tests. I have written a lot, but still some more tests to write to ensure security & edge cases such as services crashing during critical operations
  • - Statistic Reporting for admins (Get an end of day report sent via TG for profit, revenue etc)
  • - Setup production deployment script (Kubernetes)